Revolutionizing Packaging: The Easyslice Freezer Bag

Beini Yang and Xueying Xiao Redefine Convenience with Innovative Design

Traditional plastic roll bags, while practical, often present challenges in their usage. The Easyslice Freezer Bag, designed by Beini Yang and Xueying Xiao, addresses these issues, offering a unique solution that combines functionality with convenience.

Plastic roll bags, a common household item, often prove to be a source of frustration. The static electricity inherent in the material causes the edges of the bags to stick together, making them difficult to open. Furthermore, users often unintentionally rip off more than one bag at a time. The Easyslice Freezer Bag, however, tackles these problems head-on with its unique design features.

The Easyslice bag differs from traditional plastic bag rolls in its cut dots. Unlike the usual design, the cut dots on the Easyslice bag do not extend to the end. When a bag is torn off, the irregular edges created by the dot-free edge make the bag easy to twist open. Additionally, the designers have incorporated noticeable and interesting signs at both edges, serving as reminders of the conjunctions.

The production process of the Easyslice bag involves a dot-cut machine that doesn't cut through the entire width of the bag, leaving a 2.5 cm uncut, dot-free area. This simple yet innovative change in the production process results in a product that is significantly easier to use than traditional roll bags.

The design of the Easyslice bag was a process of trial and error. The designers tested the product multiple times to ensure that the dot-free design wouldn't cause damage to adjacent bags. They also experimented with the placement of the dot-free area and chose the position that yielded the best results. Furthermore, they ensured that the strength required to open the bag was tolerable for all ages, from 13 to 60.

The Easyslice Freezer Bag is a testament to the power of design in improving everyday items. By addressing a common issue with a simple yet effective solution, Beini Yang and Xueying Xiao have revolutionized the humble plastic bag. Their design, which won the Silver A' Packaging Design Award in 2017, is a perfect example of how innovation can transform even the most mundane objects into something remarkable.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Beini Yang
Image Credits: Yang Beini Xiao Xueying
Project Team Members: Yang Beini Xiao Xueying
Project Name: Easyslice
Project Client: Beini Yang

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